I am a structure of the finest materials, by masterful hands that secure every crystal setting and seam as if to secure the invisible legacy of their craft.

I am the joy of an interconnected life with respect for people and planet.

A deep emerald interior unearths like a protected environment inside a shell of intense black.

I am a choice. A statement of independence and persistence to flourish.

“Doesn’t everything die at last and too soon?” writes Mary Oliver. “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

I am a choice. A statement of independence and persistence to flourish.

“Doesn’t everything die at last and too soon?” writes Mary Oliver. “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

Let's get carried somewhere far away. Where you thrive, not just survive. Because leaving a legacy means living a legacy.

I am a reminder, to hold yourself in the highest regard.

Determined, as a Dobermann.
The emblem, the majestic muse,
of that which I am made.


Let's get carried somewhere far away. Where you thrive, not just survive. Because leaving a legacy means living a legacy.

I am a reminder, to hold yourself in the highest regard.

Determined, as a Dobermann.
The emblem, the majestic muse,
of that which I am made.